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Age : 38
Body Type : Endomorph
Height : 8’5 ft (256.54 cm)
Species : Burmese Python (Naga)
Division         : Master Paragon
Kingdom : OLYMPUS

Theophilus - up-and-coming Grandmaster Paragon, bastard son of a noble, figure of controversy, flirty son of a bitch. One cannot have too many titles, really, but Theophilus really only thinks of himself under one: not enough, never enough, wasn’t enough. Despite his shortcomings, Theophilus is a devoted Master Paragon. His main post is as a teacher at Logus Academy, guiding the latest batch of students. At least… by day. In the unnoticed and avoided corners and alleyways of Olympus, Theophilus has a hold in the underground that almost - almost - rivals Odressius. His ambitions originate from his idolization of a dear old friend that had long since passed from the world, and he has centered much of his own current personality around that very person. For this, Theophilus is one of Olympus’ greatest defenders - he will take any measure. And yet, he will never betray the memory of his friend.

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